
  • Q: What payment methods do you accept?

  • A: COD (Cash on Delivery)

  • Q: Do you offer expedited shipping?

  • A: Yes! We offer a variety of shipping options to fit your needs, including expedited shipping for faster delivery times.

  • Q: Can I track my order?

  • A: Absolutely! You'll receive a confirmation email                                                                                                                                                               Returns & Exchanges:

  • Q: What is your return policy?

  • A: SideBazar offers a hassle-free return policy. You can return most unused and unopened items within a specific timeframe (check our return policy for details) for a full refund.

  • Q: How do I initiate a return?

  • A: We have a user-friendly return portal on our website that simplifies the return process. You can also contact our customer service team for assistance.


  • Q: How can I contact customer service?

  • A: Our friendly customer service team is available to answer your questions via phone, email, or live chat. You'll find our contact information on our website.

We hope this FAQ helps! If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to SideBazar's customer service team.